
The example docker run command from the README includes two volume mounts:

docker run -d -p 7000:7000 -v /your/jdbc/ojdbc8.jar:/app/ojdbc8.jar -v /your/config/directory:/config -v /your/secrets/directory:/passwords tjheslin1/patterdale:1.3.1

System properties


If a logback.xml file is included in the directory passed into the /config container volume, this will override the default logging.


The local path to patterdale.yml.

Optionally a path to a file can be specified. This file will be displayed on the /status endpoint. The default will display the patterdale.yml configuration by referring to the config.file property.


The local path to the passwords.yml file. Application configuration as well as database connection and probe information is defined here.


/config is expected to contain a file patterdale.yml:

httpPort is the port the application will run on.

cacheDuration is the lifetime, in seconds, of the cache of SQL probe results. In the background the queries will run periodically according to the cacheDuration. Requests to the /metrics endpoint will return the current cache, this is to prevent overloading the databases with requests.

probeConnectionWaitInSeconds is the time, in seconds, to wait during a probe scrape for the initial database connection pools to be initialised. If this times out, no metrics for that probe are returned. The app will wait for this time for each scrape, once it has passed once it will always pass.

databases is a list of the databases the application will connect to. Each database definition references probes defined in the probes list below, to be executed against that database. The optional metricLabels field defines a list of metric label and value key-pairs that will be added to every probe for that database.

Note: The metric label of database=${databaseName} will be automatically appended to all metricLabels.

e.g For the below configuration the healthCheck metrics will appear as:

database_up{database="bobsDatabase",query="SELECT 1 FROM DUAL"} 1.0
database_up{database="alicesDatabase",query="SELECT 1 FROM DUAL"} 1.0

Example patterdale.yml file’:

httpPort: 7001
cacheDuration: 60
probeConnectionWaitInSeconds: 10
  - name: bobsDatabase
    user: system
    jdbcUrl: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1522:xe
      - healthCheck
      - noLabels
      exampleDefaultLabel: exampleDefaultValue
  - name: alicesDatabase
    user: system
    jdbcUrl: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1523:xe
      - healthCheck
      - slowestQueries

  maxSize: 5
  minIdle: 1
  maxConnectionRetries: 10
  connectionRetryDelayInSeconds: 60

  - name: healthCheck
    type: exists
    query: SELECT 1 FROM DUAL
    metricName: database_up
    metricLabels: query="SELECT 1 FROM DUAL"
  - name: slowestQueries
    type: list
    metricName: slowest_queries
    metricLabels: sqlText="%s",sqlId="%s",username="%s",childNumber="%s",diskReads="%s",executions="%s",firstLoadTime="%s",lastLoadTime="%s"
    query: |
        SELECT * FROM
            s.elapsed_time / s.executions / 1000 AS AVG_ELAPSED_TIME_IN_MILLIS,
            SUBSTR(s.sql_fulltext, 1, 80) AS SQL_TEXT,
        FROM    v$sql s, dba_users d
        WHERE   s.parsing_user_id = d.user_id
        AND trunc(TO_DATE(s.last_load_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD/HH24:MI:SS')) >= trunc(SYSDATE - 1)
        ORDER BY elapsed_time DESC)
        WHERE ROWNUM <= 5;
  - name: noLabels
    type: exists
    query: SELECT 1 FROM DUAL
    metricName: no_labels


/secrets is expected to contain a file passwords.yml with the following content: It is up to you to encrypt this file and pass it safely to the application (e.g. via Kubernetes secrets). Provided with the project is a set of helm charts with includes secrets.yaml which defines the volume for this file.

Example passwords.yml file:

  bobsDatabase: oracle
  alicesDatabase: oracle

Note that the keys bobsDatabase and alicesDatabase correspond to the database name fields in patterdale.yml. This key matching is how the correct password is paired to the correct database configuration.