D&D Repository

A collection of characters, maps and adventures for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition


Rubeus Tallstag

Background Entertainer

Race Half-elf

Class Barbarian

Alignment Chaotic Good

Personality Traits I know a story relevant to almost every situation. I’ll take any opportunity to tell of my past roles in plays and shows.
Ideals This world is a test of my resolve.
Bonds I would do anything for my fellow actors, I’ve come to the same opinion of my fellow adventurers.
Flaws A scandal prevents me from ever going home again. That kind of trouble seems to follow me around.

Character art by Bazferd Art

I've played Merlin, Strahd and countless more. So I'm sure I can convincingly play whichever nobody from around here you want me to!
I am a classically trained actor. The theatre mostly. Up on the stage, my arena, I was divine. You should have seen me! A few too many.. incidents.. left the Actor's Guild no choice but to turn their backs on me.
I accept that.
One day I hope to prove myself worthy of their company and place in the Guild. Until then I must learn to control my anger, before it truly ruins me. I was always most in control whilst playing a role, maybe if I live a bit like on my icons from the stage I may learn how to control my outbursts. My rages have not been without their uses however. I have saved myself from more than a few.. predicaments.. in the past.


Rubeus always felt most in control of his anger whilst acting on stage in the shoes of other, more controlled, personalities. Now with nowhere else to go, perhaps setting out into the world to emulate the lives of his favourite performing roles can help him bring that control to his most important role, himself.


Rubeus was a successful actor before being cast out from his acting guild, due to his fits of rage and violence. He now seeks to understand and control his anger.

Adventuring is a sure way to do so and he may have the opportunity to flex acting skills too.

16 (+3) 10 (0) 15 (+2) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 15 (+2)

As for all characters his suggested stats come from the standard skill point array: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8. They are assigned in the order: Strength, Constitution, Charisma, Wisdom, Dexterity, Intelligence. If you want to lean into the social side of things more, make Charisma his highest stat.

His Half-elf heritage gives him +2 Charisma and +1 to two skills which I assigned to Strength and Constitution.

Whilst a master of learning lines of characters he performs, he otherwise doesn't have the highest Intelligence. His anger has led to many altercations leaving him relatively strong and muscular, this is reflected in his Strength score. Years of acting allow him to persuade many through his highest stat, Charisma. In particular Rubeus makes use of his Disguise Kit and By Popular Demand features of his Entertainer background.

Taking the Actor feat at level 4 or at level 1 by changing his race to Human (Variant), is an excellent way of roleplaying Rubeus with advantage.

After years of living the high-life as a successful thesipan, Rubeus has not yet shunned his ways and continues to wear formal clothing. Smart trousers, a shirt and waistcoat which tends to become undone during his rages. Likewise his swept back hair fuses with sweat and hangs over his face whilst he sees red.


Rubeus naturally fits a Barbarian and at level 3 Path of the Berserker is the perfect choice. Players may choose to refrain from raging, given Rubeus' mission to control his anger. Rubeus however may come to understand the value of letting his passion flow from time to time in a tense situation.

Rubeus wields a Greataxe and swings so wildly given his inexperience with combat. Whilst he has seen comparatively little violence compared to the likes of his fellow adventurers, he has played the role of many soldiers and kings. He is therefore familiar with stage combat. One day he may find himself picking up a Greataxe or other sharp weapon. This would certainly be a step towards a more permanent lifestyle of adventuring.

Iconic choices

3rd Level Path of the Berserker
4th Level Actor feat


From the Entertainer background, Half-elf race and Barbarian class I have chosen the following proficiencies:

  • Acrobatics
  • Athletics
  • Deception
  • Perception
  • Performance
  • Persuasion
  • Strength Saving Throws
  • Constitution Saving Throws
  • Martial Weapons
  • Simple Weapons
  • Medium Armor
  • Light Armor
  • Shields
  • Disguise Kit
  • Pan Flute
Please feel free to use Rubeus in your campaign as a playable character or NPC, changing any characteristics to better suit your adventure amd playstyle.
Click here for Rubeus' character sheet