D&D Repository

A collection of characters, maps and adventures for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition


Weston Herb

Background Sage

Race Human

Class Wizard - School of Necromancy

Alignment Chaotic Good

Personality Traits I have read scores of books to learn all I can in Medicine. To push my abilities further I must enhance my medical practice with the Arcane, to prolong the lives of myself and anyone willing.
Ideals Knowledge. The path to power and self-improvement is through knowledge. (Neutral). If I can extend my mortal life I can dedicate centuries more to aiding the sick and alieving the stresses of all people by putting the dead to work for the living.
Bonds I have an ancient text that holds terrible secrets that must not fall into the wrong hands.
Flaws I am easily distracted by the promise of information. Unlocking an ancient mystery is worth the price of altering civilization as we know it.

Character art by Bazferd Art


Weston spent most of his life as a Doctor, known for his experimental surgeries which sometimes justified their means, but often left his patients no better off. Despite having no desire to stop his practice, Weston was politely asked to start his retirement a few years early.


Weston was an experienced and practical Doctor. He now seeks out sources of undeath to further understand how to animate the recently deceased, to put the undead to work and to extend mortal life.

Adventuring is a sure way to do so and he may have the opportunity to continue his medical practice throughout.

9 (-1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 11 (0)

As for all characters his suggested stats come from the standard skill point array: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8. They are assigned in the order: Intelligence, Wisdom, Constitution, Dexterity, Charisma, Strength.

His Human heritage gives him +1 to all stats (already included).

Weston's highest stat is Intelligence, having obsessively dedicated decades to study and memorisation. His lowest stat is Strength, this reflects his missing arm as seen in the artwork. Players can choose to start without his right arm, giving him Disadvantage on all Strength checks and saving throws. If opting to have Weston's right arm lost, one explanation is that he lost it in the Tomb of the Nine Gods in Chult, whilst investigating the secrets of preserving life and the animation of the dead.

Taking the Healer feat at level 4 or at level 1 by changing his race to Human (Variant), is an excellent way of playing Weston as a surprisingly effective healer on the battlefield whilst his animated undead attack on his behalf.

Later spells like Catnap and Life Transference tie really well into his role as a Doctor.


Weston's obsessive nature and aptitude for learning make him an effective Wizard, however he's unlikely to use Evocation spells like Fireball, preferring more subtle spells to contribute to a fight like Blindness/Deafness.

Iconic choices

2nd Level School of Necromancy
4th Level Healer feat
5th Level Spells: Animate Dead, Catnap


From the Sage background, Human race and Wizard class I have chosen the following proficiencies:

  • Arcana
  • History
  • Investigation
  • Medicine
  • Intelligence Saving Throws
  • Wisdom Saving Throws
  • Simple Weapons
Please feel free to use Weston in your campaign as a playable character or NPC, changing any characteristics to better suit your adventure amd playstyle.
Click here for Weston's character sheet